May The Fourth Be With You

May the Fourth be with You It’s Star Wars Day!! Feel the Force of NLP Practitioner Training Do you ever feel like there’s some kind of strange force influencing your life? A force that, no matter how hard you fight, you can’t change how it impacts you. And you can’t move on in life until […]


BE MORE WALLACE!! What Wallace the Mule can teach us about overcoming adversity In July 2018, Wallace the Great and his ride won their first British Dressage event in Gloucester. There’s nothing surprising about that, except that Wallace is a mule and he was competing against riders on horses. Although he no longer competes, Wallace […]

Hit the ground running in 2023

Hit the ground running in 2023 What a busy year, the time has just flow by after 2 years of nothingness. Looking forward to 2023, how would you like to get a head start on your goals? Do you just re-visit your new years resolutions that failed last year or would you like to create […]


SO HOW DID THAT HAPPEN ? We’ve nearly reached the mid-point of 2022. It seems like only yesterday I was talking about plans and priorities for the year ahead and how much hope I had for coming out of lockdown and here we are. How are you doing? Has 2022 lived up to expectation so […]

Plans and Priorities for 2022

Plans and Priorities for 2022 So what are your plans and priorities for 2022? I don’t do new years resolutions I use Twixmas to reflect and review the past year and January to plan and prioritise my goals for the year ahead. So many of us put too much pressure on ourselves and then drown […]

Twixmas time to reflect and review

The end of the year, for me, is always a time to: >Re-view >Re-flect >Re-evaluate A time to review the events of the past year, reflect on the highs and lows, what went well and what could be better and re-evaluate next years goals in light of my progress against this years goals. Looking back […]

Why focus on NLP for Equestrian sport?

I’m passionate about 2 things in my life, my dressage hobby and my NLP training and coaching, so it’s a no brainer for me to combine the 2 and double the enjoyment. It’s taken me a while to come to this conclusion, it seemed wrong to enjoy work so much!! As an NLP Master Coach […]