Elite Competitor

I have know this lady for many years through the Dressage  circuit and she has always struck me as a capable, confident rider competing at Advanced Medium/PSG level. When I first delivered confident rider and confident competitor workshops for Northern Dressage Group I was surprised to find her attending and opening up that she had […]

Mid Range Competitors

Hannah has worked with me for quite a while now, working up from beginners unaffiliated prelim to BD PetPlan elementary. Hannah has always struggled with confidence in general and tended to get de-railed and self critical when things didn’t go to plan, her little welsh section D isn’t typically built for dressage and she was […]

Beginner Competitor

Sue is an older lady (she won’t mind me saying) who had purchased a small horse to enjoy in her retirement. Sue has ridden for a long time and was still quite nervous about going out competing again, especially on a younger horse and being rather ring rusty. Sue attended one of my confident competitor workshops […]

Leisure Rider

Julie came to me having just got a new horse and struggling to get going with it, so far as even just getting on gave her panic attacks. Talking with Julie I found out that her previous horse had suffered from kissing spine syndrome that hadn’t been diagnosed until she had bolted several times and […]